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Thursday, July 17, 2014

5 Things That Make me Wanna Scream

1) Roaches:

Roaches have to be the most DISGUSTING creatures to have ever walked the earth. I've always had a huge pet-peeve for roaches, and whenever I see one, I just know it means there are more of them hiding out somewhere. And since they are so hard to rid of, it makes them even scarier. They reproduce at an early age, and can have thousands of egg sacks filled with hundreds of roaches. They carry many diseases, and they just don't give a f**k. Steer clear of these crazy insects. They will ruin your life with one infestation. Ewe.

2) Clowns

OMFG. You have to understand how hard it was to even look through the pictures of clowns on Google. I have such a REAL fear of clowns, it's honestly beginning to sound so pathetic. I have no one to blame but my mother for my fear of clowns. As a child, she found humor in killer clown movies, and thought we would find them funny too, and basically forced us to watch them with her. I had never been terrified of clowns before she forced the fear down my throat. And even going on 20 years old, I still cannot sit in a dark room without my wild imagination telling me there's a killer clown in the far corner of the room with a smile on his face watching me as I lay in my bed. I even take the bed rails off my bed just so I know for sure there will be nothing hiding under there when I get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. Have you ever thought something would grab your ankle when you place your foot on the ground to get out of bed in the middle of the night? No? Well maybe I'm just a paranoid psycho. By the way, I cried through the movie IT. The fear is real.

3) Bugs with Wings

I don't care what kind of bug it is, if it has wings, it's an enemy of mine. A fear of mine has always been a bug flying into my hair and me not knowing until I shower and it falls out. Oh MAN! That would just make me sick. I'd scream, no doubt! Especially since I can't even stand to accidentally touch an insect! Call me a pansy, but walk a day in my shoes. You'd be fearful too.

4) Dumb People

There is nothing more annoying or irritating than someone who I know should know more than they know, and they're so incredibly stupid. You could never pay me enough to willingly have a conversation with someone who is incapable of holding a logical conversation. That's not the only thing that gets me, though. What really pushes my buttons is incorrect grammar or punctuation use. I cannot stand having to correct someone when they're talking to me, or having to correct someone over the internet or through text who misspells a word or uses the wrong tense, or the wrong punctuation. Now, that's not to say I'm perfect, because I'm not. But we learned this sh** in grade school people! Seriously, use your commas, apostrophes, and periods. No one likes a run on sentence, and no one likes having to decipher what you're saying... especially while you're speaking the same language as we are. I mean, really.

5) Inside the Box Thinkers

These close minded people should be wary when I'm in the room. Just like uneducated people, I cannot stand someone who isn't open to seeing all possibilities of things. There is a reason for everything, and nothing is impossible. Take a chance and step outside of your mind-- outside of all that we were taught. Who better to teach you what life is about than yourself? Come on people, don't let them limit your imagination, because the possibilities of what could be are endless. Impress me. Impress yourself. Think outside the box and open your mind to EVERYTHING.

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