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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Long Time No See... Ever ;) A Tiny Taste of Sims 4

Well hello!!! So, it's been a while obviously... I mean, check out the dates!! o.O
During that time I haven't been blogging, I've been busy being a couch potato playing Sims 4 and what not. My common-law married husband bought me a new lap top, Sims 4, a HUGE stuffed bear, lots of candy and snacks for Valentine's day. It was a huge surprise because I wasn't really expecting anything more than a few roses because money is tight right now. But turns out, he got his income tax money and was able to keep his old gal happy :D And happy she was. So I've been addicted for a good while now.

So I think what I'm gonna talk about this fine evening is the Sims 4 and how it's amazing. If you have not purchased it yet and you've been wanting to, drop everything you're doing right now and go out and buy it. If you cannot afford it, I think it's time to rob a convenient store or starve yourself for the next few weeks. It'll be totally worth it.
The creators did a fantastically wonderful job with making the Sims more... people-like. There's more than enough things to do and you can play it tons of different ways. How ever you like to play, there's a way to make it better. I am beyond grateful to be alive during this generation because I honestly couldn't see me wasting time any other way and enjoy it at the same time. My only complaint is you can't have a toddler, and I loved the toddlers in the previous game. It was so adorable. But hey, the game is still fucking awesome.
First off, the Sims have emotions. If anything around them affects their mood, they'll let you know. For example, if I made one sim do a mean interaction with another sim, that sim receiving the mean interaction will become either angry or depressed. It's pretty bad ass because now you can either cheer your sim up with some television, make them hide out under the covers in their bed, have them talk it out with someone else, or you can retaliate with the sim who pissed your sim off. It's great. I love it.
Creating a home is probably the second best part about the game. Your home can now have tall walls if you want a more luxurious feel to it, and there are different kinds of art work. I think pretty much everything is new from the Sims 3. Furniture, objects, kitchen things, art work... Sims clothing... EVERYTHING.
So, it's totally a great investment, and don't forget to purchase those expansion packs!! It'll make your game even better and you'll receive more items and art work. Sometimes even clothing and hair styles!! So do it!!!
Until next time America, get yo Sim on!

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